Tricks to Getting Your Kids to School on Time . . . While Holding on to Your Sanity

Getting the kids on the school yard on time within the mornings is by no means a simple task – particularly after a long summer break. It can take the time to get back into the old routine, or perhaps the old routine was not a good routine at all and you need to finely hone an entirely new routine.

Using these ideas firmly in mind below are a few things you can do, and several things you mustn’t do which all can help you towards a stress free, timely start to your day.

Stuff to Do:

• Sneak the clock on by around ten minutes (but don’t tell the kids). It helps to encourage the kids to acquire moving whilst saving you from running around similar to a crazy person.


• Be sure that you are up and dressed before you start shouting for them to get up. I mean, consider it, if you are still wearing your pajamas you may hardly shout at the kids because they are still wearing theirs now can you?

Before – including yours, • Be sure that everyone’s clothing is ready and laid out the night time. If you find that 50 % of the school uniform is still waiting to be ironed, this really helps to take the pressure off within the mornings, particularly.


• Ensure that the kids arrive at bed nice and early. Trying to encourage a tired child away from bed inside the mornings who spent a late night watching TV or playing computer games can be a recipe for disaster, or conflict at a minimum.

• Have the breakfast table ready the evening before – you see, organization really is key to every one of these things. If you have the cereal spoons and bowls ready on the table it only needs the box of cereal and you’re all set. That’s an even better plan if you keep your cereals in low cupboards that happen to be within easy reach of the children.

• Stick to one make and kind of socks for school – then there’ll be no problems finding a matching pair.

And Stuff Not to Do:

• Dump the school bags by the door for morning – go one step further and place them in the car ready for the journey. This can include sports kits, important homework and the rest which really must choose you to school . . . except your children, they’ll should sleep inside a bed.

Even if they have got “plenty of time”, • Don’t let them switch in the television before school. Youngsters are notoriously bad at multi tasking and cannot be trusted to put their shoes and socks on while watching TV – it just won’t happen.

Once the alarm rings jump away from bed and into action • Step away from the snooze button – it might be tempting but.


• Never, ever go back upstairs . . . or give your children to do this. If they’ve forgotten anything well tough, they’ll have to try harder tomorrow, make it perfectly clear that it’s a one way system from the door and into the car and. (This can be a little harsh on very young children).

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