Flaunt Your Uniqueness

It’s nice to differentiate yourself from the crowd, to blaze your personal trail and to be seen as someone who is not merely a product of his environment. While none of us can true move away from it all, it’s important for everyone to mold our choices to who our company is, not what we think people want folks. Here’s a compact example. I grew up playing the piano and I possess a deep appreciation for classical music. The greater I listen, the more nuance I hear. I hear reference and in many cases stories, and all of my interpretations come from my own, personal experience and ego. And I don’t say ego in the way that lots of of you think, it comes from an awareness of myself as opposed to a value I place upon myself. I digress into psychology though. The real point I’m making is that the choices of what I do, of what I spend my money on as well as the people I spend time with come more from the inside, rather than without. It’s hard for me to obtain my friends to go and discover a classical concert, or to come over simply for a listening party towards the latest concerto, but that’s okay. There are some things that will make me, me. You happen to be truly a genuine. That is and the beauty of understanding who you are really. There’s nobody like you, plus your choices should reflect that.


That’s why I’d like to quickly mention the new line of 2015 Fiats with you. You’re probably saying to yourself, “didn’t this guy just talk about how I should make decision NOT based on things i want instead of what the world tells me to want? ” You should, and I’m not telling you what to want. I would like to tell you why you, as a cool and original critical thinker why these unbelievably beautiful cars may be perfect for you.

2013 Fiat 500e

First, because of its size – really really small – the Fiat is the ideal marriage of cool, connectivity and isolation and foremost. It’s additionally a perfect excuse for not driving anyone anywhere, though it’s perfect for getting your favorite lady or fella. It’s your personal hip little capsule of fashion and stunning engineering. It is the perfect environment for you to be yourself. Seriously, just look at the cockpit of this thing. I practically want to reside in there. Another nice thing about this car is that it seems so futuristic. They have amazing connectivity with your devices and will help you stay on the top of everything that making you, you. If you’re interested in checking out one of these beauties, go online to either downey fiat or OC Fiat and see which mobile “personal zone” looks best for you!


You are going to undoubtedly be inspired by something that you see, and the moment you get behind the wheel, you’ll feel a permanent smile forming on your face.